Rugby RCC Hilly Time Trial
Location of Headquarters (Grid Ref 489577)
The Event HQ is Priors Hall, situated on the Shuckburgh Road which actually connects the start and finish, but is not part of the timed circuit. The HQ opens at 9 am. Car parking is adjacent to the Priors Hall, or on the forecourt of the old garage, 50 yards away, now occupied by Pentoy Ltd. We are grateful to Pentoy for the use of their forecourt for this purpose. If there is no off-road parking space available we request that parked vehicles do not obstruct the carriageway. Priors Marston is a quiet village and we wish to cause minimum disruption.
Directions from the A425 (Southam - Daventry Road) Leave the A425 (SP Napton on the Hill) and proceed up Butt Hill. Take the left fork at the top of the hill (therefore avoiding the village of Napton) and proceed to Priors Marston (about 3 miles). The Headquarters building, Priors Hall, is in the right hand side, 0.3 miles after entering the village. Please note comments on parking. Here is a map showing Priors Marston and the surrounding area, including the course:
Here is a map of Priors Marston, showing the HQ and the start:
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