Veteran Time Trials Association

We have been sent details from the Mids VTTA of a new points series for 2005, with £1,000 prize money available for 32 prize winners.

The series covers 6 events and riders have to compete in 4 to qualify. If riders compete in more than 4, the best 4 will count. Riders will compete in 4 age bands, 40-50, 51-58, 59-66 & 67+. Points are awarded down to 20th place, based on standard times. The events are:

25 March Wyre Forest K23/26 Hilly
2 April VTTA K3/10
28 May VTTA K48/10
29 May VTTA K48/23 Hilly
2 July VTTA K41/30 Circuit
7 August VTTA K16/25

Details of the above events are in the CTT Handbook

To be eligible riders must be members of the VTTA. Annual Subscription is £12. Contact Greg Smart, 14 Larkspur, Boughton Vale, Rugby, CV23 0UW or telephone 01788 547466