Acara Ltd - Club Sponsor

Acara Ltd have sponsored Rugby RCC since 1998. Acara is a family-run company based in Rugby, specialising in the supply of computer components.

The main benefits from Acara's sponsorship are subsidised clothing for members, the purchase of equipment for events and financial support for young members. In addition, Acara has regularly subsidised the cost of promoting our Open Time Trial.

For detailed information on Acara, we suggest you visit their website on For a brief introduction to Acara, here is their advertisement which appears in our club literature.

Acara LTD
Used SUN Microsystems & compatibles
Computers, peripherals and spare parts
Definitely no PCs!

12 Glebe Farm Road
Glebe Farm Industrial Estate
Rugby CV21 1QW

Tel: 01788 556800 Fax:: 01788 556809


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