RCC Dinner & Presentation
We need your views!
Since we started running
a combined dinner and presentation evening in 2004 numbers have declined from
the 100+ to about half of that figure. Many of them are older, former members
who like to meet old friends, with current members feeling less inclined - at
the 2007 event only half were members and their partners. So, is it the venue
(and the food) or is it the format? All things need to change over time, so
the Committee would
like some feedback before making a decision for 2008. These are the main points:
- Should we have a dinner
and presentation evening in 2008 on identical lines to previous years?
- Should we continue as
in (1), but with a different venue from the Lions Club?
- Should we skip the event
altogether in 2008?
- If we skip the event
in 2008 should we try and hold one in 2009, ie the club's 80th anniversary?
- If we skip the event
in 2008 should we replace it with a social event (possibly combined with a
quiz) where we present the season's prizes?
- If we choose a social
event, should we go for a buffet (as distinct from the bought-in fish &
chips we used to have at St Andrews?)
- Do you prefer a sit-down-meal
or a buffet?
- Would you like to suggest
a suitable venue for either a dinner, or a buffet event?
- How far out of Rugby
should we be prepared to find a venue?
- To what extent is cost
an issue?
Remember - whatever option
we decide, someone has to organise it. Stuart Sherriff's done 4 now and feels
he needs a break!
You could reply to a committee
member, or just place your thoughts on the message board.