CTT Mids District AGM 11.10.09

This was attended by Dave Aires and Laurie Bird as delegates for Rugby RCC.

As with most AGMs the officers and council members were re-elected without opposition. Elsewhere, one or two interesting facts to emerge:

The Mids District has almost 5,000 individual members and 72 member clubs, although only half of them organise their own time trials. The Mids District tops the national league with club time trial entries, but is about mid-table with opens. For Mids District club events, in 2008 Hinckley CRC had 1032 entries, Rugby RCC 917 and Team Midland 757. Unofficially for 2009 Hinckley had 1107 and Rugby RCC had 1105.

There were some interesting motions, with Beacon RCC proposing that TT results should display female competitors as "winners" as well as male competitors, ie they be listed separately on results sheets. This was agreed and will go through to national Council for a decision. Similarly was Beacon RCC's proposal that all results be sent electronically to the National Secretary for publication on the CTT website. This was amended after the word "preferably" was inserted as nationally 20% of organisers do not have a computer!.

The most interesting item to be agreed was a proposal (again from Beacon RCC) to trial a ranking system for open time trials in the Midlands, similar to BC's Elite, 1st cat, 2nd cat, etc. This would be based on a rider's best 5 events on a 12 month rolling basis, where points would be awarded according to a rider's position with respect to the whole field. The table will be updated on 15th of every month and there will be separate listings for men and women. This season 580 men and 78 women have taken part in Mids open events and their categories will be shown on new website to be maintained by Ruth Eyles and Steve Lockwood. To see how this works for 2009 go to http://rankings.midlanddc.org.uk/ It could be the shot-in-the-arm to encourage more riders to enter open events (an area where we have not been well represented of late). A further advantage is that it will encourage riders to enter all types of events and not just those with standard distances where they can get a PB. If it catches on perhaps this might be adopted nationally?

Finally, in the date-fixing section of the meeting our 2010 open event was approved, to be held on Saturday 31st July on the K11/10T (our new Thurlaston course).