William Morrison's Pothole Campaign
As a cyclist I am obviously concerned at the poor state of the road, especially with regards to the number of potholes. This is especially true, following a near miss a couple of weeks ago, involving a pothole hidden by heavy rain.
No doubt some of your member have experienced similar problems
I am attending an evening class on web-design at present, so decided, as part of my coursework to produce a site connected with potholes.
Would any fellow cyclist be willing to send me any of your own photographs, showing any large pothole near your cycle routes? I want initially a broad range of images, from all over the country, so will be e-mailing a couple of clubs in each area.
Although I have purchased the domain name, the site is not up and running yet, but hopefully will be, by the end of March. In the meantime I am using this temporary e-mail address.
If you could add your name and details of the pothole location, that would be splendid. I will add your details to the site image if you wish.
And finally, I have to assume anybody sending images owns their copyright, basically meaning the sender took the photographs themselves.
Kind regards !
William Morrison
Replies can be sent directly
to potholeman999@googlemail.com