K10/10C : Princethorpe - Ryton (2003 Championship Course)

Start in Frankton Lane at rain gully by driveway to bungalow, 20 yards from junction with B4453 (Princethorpe - Rugby road) & 1 mile east of junction with A423 at Princethorpe
Ride south to junction with B4453; turn left and proceed east on B4453 to junction with A45
Turn left onto A45 westbound slipway (caution). Proceed to island at junction with B4455 (Fosse way)
Take second exit and continue along A45 to pass junction with A445 at Ryton-on-Dunsmore.
Continue on A45 to slip road to A423 immediately beyond Peugeot works
Turn left onto A423 to island junction at Works entrance. Give way and take second exit along A423 to island junction with A445.
Take second exit and continue along A423 past 'Bull & Butcher' PH to Finish at drop kerb on north side of field entrance about 80 yards beyond layby and 0.5 miles before Princethorpe.