New Wolston course - K11/10W
This course has been used once in 2011 by the Leamington club for an open. It has certain advantages for Rugby RCC, subject to member opinion (see below).
The course is similar to our own K11/10T,. The start is situated on the Fosse Way, approximately 200 yards from the Memorial Island. Riders turn left onto the A45, . Riders use both carriageways of the A45, encircling the Thurlaston and Ryton islands, then leaving the main road at the top of Knightlow Hill, immediately after the burned-out pub on the left (signpost Wolston). This is a tight left turn and riders should take extreme care not to run wide. The finish is a short distance down the lane.
There is plenty of parking on the verges just past the finish.
As this is a new course for us the club committe decided to test the course once in 2012. If riders are happy we may use it again next season.
The advantage to Rugby RCC is that it is close to Rugby, should pose few parking problems and is not close to any housing.
Click here to see a map of the course and a description.