Rugby RCC
2021 Time Trial Season
A few important things to flag up for the forthcoming season. First we regret that Alan and Val Saitch are standing down after many years of service, while Edith and Nigel Hastie will also be standing down for health reasons. This will mean more than ever we will need help from volunteers - more of that later.
Although we're
able to start on schedule, Covid-19 is still with us and we still have to be
vigilant. This means we must insist on the following procedures:
Instead of signing-on for each event we've devised a new form where riders can
sign on for the full season, thus reducing the face-to-face contact. You can
download the form from our website, go to sign-on
2021, complete the necessary details and return it to us
either by email or at the first event. Please read all the wording on the form,
it's important that you are aware of its content. Please note that it's important
that your form has your SIGNATURE, not just your name.
Private Entries
As last year, we will not accept private entries at least until we are free
of Covid restrictions. Again, for £10 we would encourage anyone wishing
to ride to join us as a 2nd claim member. That will give access to the booking
system and inclusion in the results listing on our website.
Face Covering.
For the time being it appears we should be wearing face masks when interacting
with colleagues, especially as many of our members will not have had the Covid
vaccination until mid season.
Women Riders.
We've gained several lady members of late and we're anxious to encourage them
to compete, both against the men and against each other. We're proposing that
places 1 - 10 be reserved for lady members until the actual day of the event,
then on the day any free places still remaining can be taken by men. Of course
that doesn't preclude a lady member booking a later number at any time if that's
more convenient. This is just a trial and we have no plans to amend the booking
system to enforce this process.
Squad Numbers.
The system worked quite well last season in that it reduced face-to-face contact
every week, even if a few lost their numbers in the wash! As we're still going
to be operating under Covid restrictions, at least at the start of the season,
it seems we should carry on with this system. For practical reasons we'll issue
a new set of numbers and these will be posted on the website. The new semi-disposable
numbers will be issued from the first event. Again, the squad number will have
no bearing on your start position, this will be determined for each event through
the booking system. We also ask riders to shout their START number as they cross
the finish as this saves the timekeeper having to correlate squad numbers against
actual start numbers. (One day things will return to normal!)
Entry Fees.
We've frozen all our fees at last year's level, ie. Wednesday TTs to be £3.50
per ride. Again, while the virus is present we're anxious to reduce cash payments
and are encouraging people to pay ahead by PayPal. However, we would prefer
riders not to make single payments for one event as this involves considerable
admin and a cost to the club in PayPal commission (the smaller the amount the
more it costs). If a single payment is unavoidable we ask that the fee be £4.
Initially, while social distancing is in force, we will have to function without
a pusher-off at the start of our TTs. Just as soon as it's safe to do so we
will re-introduce pusher-offs, subject to sufficient volunteers.
Marshalling & Volunteering.
We always need volunteers for marshalling and to help with the timekeeping.
We reckon with our current membership a ratio of one volunteer slot to 8 rides
should suffice. This also applies to 2nd claim members! So far the system we've
used through the booking system has been ignored by many riders, so we're about
to try out an alternative. This will involve using a Google spreadsheet which
can be accessed through our website. It will enable our members to enter their
names to volunteer for any forthcoming event through the season. As it stands
this is not password protected and therefore open to abuse. Please bear with
us, it's an experiment and we'll just have to see how it works
For reasons set out above we need to discourage post event socialising, at least
until we're told it's safe to do so. This will mean that our refreshment service
will be put on hold, and we will need a replacement for Edith for when we can
re-start what was a very popular way to end an event. As last year we will try
to post the provisional results on the club's WhatsApp group, with the ratified
version the following day on our website.
And finally
Remember we're all volunteers doing our best for the club and a successful club
relies on the support of its members. A club is something that people join and
contribute to; it is run by its members for its members and competing cannot
take place without mutual support.